AquaPail model 2000

AquaPail AquaPail model 2000 The AquaPail Model 2000 (also known as the AquaBrick). Treats 2,000-4,000 galons. 5 persons for a year. 0 stars, based on 0 reviews 0 5

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AquaPail model 2000

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AquaPail model 2000

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AquaPail model 2000

Model Number: AP2000
The AquaPail Model 2000 (also known as the AquaBrick). Treats 2,000-4,000 galons. 5 persons for a year.
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Categories: AquaPail
Manufacturer: AquaPail
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The AquaBrick was made the same way as the AquaPail line of products by the same company in Texas called Aquateknos. It utilizes the patented modified zeolite media like the AquaPails and comes with the filter and an empty WaterBrick module to catch the water. These are modular units which stack and fit perfectly with the WaterBrick line of water storage modules. Like the other AquaPail line of products, these are no longer made and we have a limited supply. The units we have are replacement units after the AquaPail recall.

Here’s the deal. I was the last in the country to have the original AquaPails in stock but now it has come to an end on 4/16/2016. So now I present to you a prototype AquaPail 2000. I was debating about keeping it myself. See additional pictures, The first AquaBricks made had two different colors of plastic, light blue and light brown and were actually just WaterBrick brand containers as can be seen in the photos. They later produced their own blow molded white plastic with the AquaBrick brand name embossed on production models instead of WaterBrick on production models. I have had this unit on my table at trade shows for about a year now, so the labels are slightly worn from being packed and unpacked in the box a hundred times, but otherwise is in perfect condition and never had water run through it. I was using an AquaPail model 400 to demonstrate the AquaPail water treatment system as can be seen in the background of one of the photos. The performance is exactly the same as the later productuin units. I could probably get more selling it on eBay, but I decided to just put it here on The Prepper Stop website at the regular price of $280.

Treats 2000-4000 gallons of water, 5 people for a year.

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AquaPail model 2000